Total English to Polish Interaction

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We are totally fluent in Polish as well as English.
We have offices in the United Kingdom as well as in Poland.

Throughout our existence over the last 20 years we have been dealing mainly with British and American companies supplying goods and services to Poland, so have a complete understanding of how they operate. In fact, we have a complete understanding of both mentalities, which is essential to achieve full agreement and therefore success, on behalf of all parties involved in any kind of negotiation. A translator alone is not enough.

One of the problems many companies face when dealing with Polish nationals is that of total misunderstanding. Whilst it may often seem that we have agreed to something, the way this is interpreted by a Polish national will not neccessarily be the same, often to the financial detriment of the western company involved.
With our help, you can avoid these pitfalls.

We have spent 20 years dealing with the Polish market, with Polish people.

There is no substitute for EXPERIENCE.